Friday, June 3, 2011

New blog name, and I might be a little crazy.

Good morning, and Happy Friday!

I decided to change the name of the blog this morning because yesterday afternoon I was googling other IVF blogs to try to find women who were in a similar situation, or preferably a bit less clueless than I am. ;)  Any way, I had trouble finding any.  Most of the blogs I found were written by women who were several years post IVF, with lots of pictures of beautiful babies.  It was encouraging to see that these women had wonderful success and although I enjoyed reading up on past blogs, I think I'd prefer to see and interact with women who are in my boat, and in turn thought it would be nice if it were easier for others in this situation to find me.  I hope you like the new name, its not incredibly inventive, but it gets the point across.  I love old cartoons and wanted to call it 'The Trials and Tribulations of Ms. Sandie, or IVF in the OC' but the name was just too long.

Oooh, now for the crazy.

So, have you ever had one of those days when everything is fine and then all of a sudden, BAM!  Your mood shifts and you become this angry, swearing, rampaging nightmare.  Well that was me, yesterday.  And I took my rampage to the gym.  I felt fine the way over there and even during warm up, but once the ass whoopin' started with my trainer and my BFF, it all hit the fan and spiraled downhill from there.  There are some aspects of working out that I enjoy, lots that are tolerable, not bad, but I wouldn't call it fun exactly, and some I absolutely loathe.  I hate up downs.  And I cuss like a sailor when required to do them.  Well honestly, I kinda cuss like a sailor any way.  Its a horrible habit, and I am getting better, but when I am angry the f-bombs go flying.  I also tend to make faces that reflect my emotions.  Needless to say I wore my EFF YOU face most of the evening.  I am very lucky, because my trainer is awesome and realizes that I'm just in a mood and really, I am not mad at him, and he just sort of ignores my complaining, which is really best.  Its strange, because I can tell I'm on a rampage, I know I am being a total bitch, but I just can't seem to help myself, or calm myself down.  Its horrible. 

I drive a Toyota Tundra, and its a large and in charge truck, and so when I park in a parking structure it takes a few minutes to get out of my spot and last night I got so mad because someone wanted to wait for my spot.  Isn't that crazy.  I was livid and ready to throw the truck in park and throw down for absolutely no reason. 

It is official.  I am a part time nut bar. 

I called my husband on my way home from the gym and warned him I was on a rampage, but since it wasn't directed at him, he thought it was funny.  I'm glad my irrational behavior is amusing to someone. ;) 

Any way, I went home, stole half an ambien from my Hubs and went to bed, and strangely enough, I feel great today.  Maybe I just needed a good night's sleep, but Holy Cow, I might be a little crazy!


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