Friday, February 4, 2011

Down, down, down!

I haven’t been so excited to log my weight into the weight watchers app in a long time, but guess what??!!  I have lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks!  All the sore legs and horrible exercises my trainer makes me do are starting to pay off!  This is great because it pumps up my motivation after a really rough workout last night.  Andrew had me doing lots of exercises that look easy, but are really hard, and my muscles ache, and holy cow am I out of shape!

So, with my newly renewed motivation I have successfully avoided the monster box of doughnuts some mean person brought in this morning and have made 2 resolutions.  One, no more carb based meals after lunch.  No pasta, potatoes or bread products for dinner.  And definitely no more having 6 oreos and a glass of milk for dinner (oops, I did actually do that on Wednesday night : /).  Two, I am going to start doing some of the exercises he has me do at home, specifically the ones I struggle the most with, like push-ups.  An added bonus is hopefully I won’t look like such a complete uncoordinated idiot babbling that ‘I can’t do it’ in future sessions.  (fingers crossed)

Also, I have resolved to read at least one novel a week.  I have an enormous mountain of books I want to read, and seriously, I need to start working through them.  When (and if) I have a baby there will be little time for that so I’d better do as much reading as I can while I can.  By the way, if you love to read I greatly recommend  Its sort of like a book sharing web site where you post the books you have and get points for books traded.  All you pay for is the postage to send out your books that others request and in return you get a credit to request a book from another member.  I love that there are no fees to exchange, and there are tons of books available, and if the book I want isn’t there, I can get on a waiting list for when it does become available, which I’ve found is usually pretty quickly!  I love, love, love this website. 

At any rate, have a great weekend and GO PACK GO!

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